Fresh Hearts and New Starts


Untitled Design-17

I’m sitting by the most charming, real-life tree we have ever had which is standing ornament-less – but still covered in lights because I couldn’t quite let it go. Let me tell you that it is twinkling off the windows like a total dream.

It’s also 12:30am and I have this “gotta write stuff down” feeling because it has been ages since I’ve scribbled down my heart on the blog.

I don’t know about you, but New Year’s Day ushers in the freshest opportunities for me.

Like the relocating of furniture (its my favorite),

the removing of clutter (organized piles),

and the redecorating of every single room in the house.

Pray for my family, and that my husband will “forget” how I got more cleaning done in two days, than I do in an entire year.

It’s that short window, where I look back over the embarrassing amount to screen shots of things I would love to do in our home from the year, and then try to make them happen instead of just screen dreaming.

You know, those life changing ideas from Joanna Gains, Apartment Therapy or the quotes that you saved from someone else’s Letterfolk board because they made your day?

I desperately need Jo’s magic to figure out how to open up my boarded and sealed up fireplace and maybe cut a huge hole in the wall where I can cutely stack firewood? I love that gal.

I’m inspired to make things new and I think God can really use a heart that desires a fresh start. 

This year we were home – and it has brought so much peace. It also reminded me that there will always be something unsettled in this life.

  • House of your dreams? But so much work to make it home.
  • Settled and stable in your job? It just might be a piece of work also.
  • Kids healthy and happy? Don’t forget about the inside of their hearts.
  • Putting in all kinds of marriage time? You can’t back down, it’s actually a daily calling.

We get comfortable hanging out in the hardship places of this life instead of the hopeful ones don’t we? We have the freedom to emerge from the corner and into the story Jesus has already written for us. 

We must run and not walk there! Hard stuff is part of this life – but choosing to find purpose in the midst of it – is where we see Him.

If you love goals…make goals. If resolving to stick out a commitment helps you – do that! But also know that you are not failing at life if you don’t have a cute list of brand new “to do’s”.

I’d like to set myself up for success.

Yes, I need to plan more meals,

begin a consistent workout situation,

read deeply,

write daily,

home school better,

call my family often,

stay in closer touch with long distance friends,

and be more intentional with my husband and five kids.

No problem right?

A list of promises won’t help me… Jesus helps me. This is great news since I will fail at all of the above tomorrow. Amen.

I’m learning in my 40’s that a life in sync with the Spirit has a way of bringing all of my lacking from lame to lovely.

I mean it’s never perfectly on point but I think our disappointment comes from us not really seeking hard after Him, which often leads to not hearing Him like we hope too.

Something I love about the New Year rolling in, is the permission we give ourselves to purge the stuff in our day-to-day that definitely…

is NOT growing us,

is NOT serving those around us,

and will NOT lead us into an alive place with Jesus.

Instead, I’m boldly asking and attempting to obey the One who see’s my weakness best, who has set within me a passion for sharing truth, and who knows how far my heart needs to travel to meet up with His.

I need only Jesus this new year to transform me – so I can work with the diligence that I in no way possess on my own!

I need Him…

So I can live fully and not so distracted, giving away valuable minutes and hours of my life.

So I can have the freedom to ask, listen, and live alongside the Spirit.

So I’m hearing and abiding in His voice and not a thousand others.

This year, I am excited to follow His lead to study the Old Testament prophecies. It has been a repetitive theme this year so I’m jumping in head first, for my own heart and for those I get to lead these next twelve months.

Here’s to 2018 and all the possibility in our lives because of God’s incredible plan for us resolution drop-outs.

May the weight of His love draw us into what matters most – our hearts embedded with His. 

Happy New Year my people! I’d love to hear what God is leading you into this year.

~ Jen




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