Mail Man Got Smart!
We had already checked the mail twice today…and really needed to get to the school room and get started with our day. As we were putting scarecrow patches in alphabetical order I realized we prob missed the MM! I called a “pause” in our lesson and the boys ran to the door and found more mail for Molly!
So exciting and def made up for another “no letter” day! We were all excited to open the oh-so wonderful, long awaited rag quilt, especially made by Grammy (my Mom).
It turned out really, super cute and cozy. I can’t wait to see our girl cuddled up in Grammys handmade love.
So, either the MM is avoiding me and showing up late because I take pictures of him randomly OR it was just a busy day…we’ll see what time he comes tomorrow!

The package was such a fun suprise!
Of course she sent packs of gum for the boys and a bag of chocolate for….well, I’ll claim that.

When I was in AK for a visit this Feb, Mom and I went shopping for fabric for Molly’s quilt. I got to pick out the colors with her help of course I am SO happy with how beautiful it turned out. Way to go MOM!

4 thoughts on “

  1. I LOVE getting surprise packages in the mail. Just makes my day…I’m praying that your letter comes soon!That is the most beautiful quilt I have ever seen!!Does your mom/would your mom consider making them for money (if someone with a little girl like me – hint hint – would order one)?


  2. I love your mom’s blankies. We call them the magic quilt. We lost the first one she made us, and Amanda told her we were so sad about losing it. So in the mail came another one. Seriously we love them, they seem to comfort the babies and put them right to sleep. I even put Jack in it now. The one we have isn’t a rag quilt, just super comfy material and stuffing. We couldn’t live without our magic quilt. 🙂


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